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Vignerons Catalans Wine
For over 50 years, Vignerons
Catalans, the leading
producer group in Pyrénées-
Orientales, has championed
wines from Roussillon.
Founded by just a clutch of
wine growers in 1964, our
group now represents 1,000
wine growers from 7 co-
operative wineries where we
grow over 10,000 hectares of
vines with unwavering
passion. We are proud to
perpetuate our missions:
innovating, constantly
ramping up our commitment
to quality and raising
awareness of Roussillon,
mirroring the philosophy that
guided our founding fathers. |
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large selection at fair prices capable counterpart Germany Free shipping Minimum order value 75 € European Union Free shipping from 150 €, Below shipping 9.90 € Ireland, Switzerland Fix shipping fee 19.90 €,
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